When will Recall actually work
- The first condition for Recall to work is that you must be using an Exchange account and the recipient must be within that same Exchange organization as well. In other words; When you are using a POP3, IMAP or Outlook.com account or when the recipient is located on the Internet, you are out of luck already.
- The recipient must also be using Outlook to read his/her emails. When a message is being read via Outlook Web App (OWA) or via EAS on a smartphone or tablet, the recall will not work.
- The recipient must have an active connection with Exchange. When Cached Exchange Mode is enabled and the recipient is working off-line, the recall process will fail.
- The original message must arrive in the Inbox folder of the recipient. When it got moved via a rule, recalling the message is not possible.
- The original message must still be unread and the recipient must open the Recall message before the original message.
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