Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Importing media to Backup Exec

Importing media to Backup Exec

You can import media to a robotic library to add tapes to Backup Exec, or to import media that is required for a restore job. When you insert media into a robotic library, you must create an import storage operation job. The import storage operation updates the Backup Exec database with the information about the media. Backup Exec associates the media that you import with a system media set.
You should not associate scratch media with a media set that you create. Backup Exec automatically moves the media to the required media set as needed.
Before you import media, note the following:
  • If the media does not have a barcode, you must run the Inventory after import operation so that the current media's label appears in the properties. You can only select this operation after you select Import media now.
  • If the robotic library uses a media magazine, ensure that no jobs are currently running. Before you swap the magazine, ensure that all media are ejected from the drive and are back in the magazine slots.
You can select any number of slots to import media to.
The import storage operation supports robotic libraries with portals. When this storage operation job runs, Backup Exec checks the selected slots for media. If media is found, it is exported to the portals. After all of the media is exported, you are prompted to insert new media into the portal so it can be imported. This process continues until all of the requested media have been imported into the robotic library.
You can also run a scan operation to update the slot information when you insert new media in a robotic library. The scan job log reports the barcoded media that are in the drives and portals.
To import media now
  1. On the Storage tab, do one of the following
    • Expand the robotic library, right-click Slots, and then click Import media now.
    • Right-click the robotic library, and then click Import media now.
  2. (Optional) View the job history or click the Job Monitor tab for details about the job.
To schedule an import media job
  1. On the Storage tab, do one of the following:
    • Expand the robotic library, right-click Slots, and then click Import media now.
    • Right-click the robotic library, and then click Import media now, and then click Schedule.
  2. In the left pane, click Storage operations.
  3. Click the drop-down menu, and select storage operation that you want to schedule:
    ImportUpdates the Backup Exec database with information about the media.
    Inventory after importMounts the media in the drive, reads the media label, and updates the Backup Exec database. This operation is necessary for media that do not have barcodes.
  4. To send a notification when the job completes, in the left pane, click Notification and select the appropriate options:
    Recipient nameShow the names of the individual and group recipients.
    Recipient typeIndicate Recipient for an individual recipient or Group for a group recipient.
    Manage RecipientsAdd, edit, or delete recipients.
    PropertiesView or change the properties of a selected recipient.
  5. To schedule the job, in the left pane, click Schedule and select the appropriate options.
    RecurrenceSpecify a recurrence schedule for the job.
    HoursCreate a recurrence pattern that is measured in hours or minutes.
    When you select Hours, you can configure the following options:
    • Every X hour/minute
      Indicates the number of hours or minutes between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance.
    • From
      Designates the starting time for a job to run.
    • Between
      Restricts the job to certain hours and days. For example, if you only want the job to run during business hours, you can select 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
      The start time and end time can span a maximum of 24 hours, however they can cross over midnight into the following day.
    DaysCreate a recurrence pattern that is measured in days.
    When you select Days, you must choose between the following options:
    • Every X day
      Indicates the number of days between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance.
    • Every weekday
      Specifies that the job should run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
    WeeksCreate a recurrence pattern that is measured in weeks.
    When you create a recurrence pattern that is measured in weeks, you must configure the Every X week on field. The Every X week on specifies the number of weeks between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance. It also specifies the days of the week on which the job should run.
    MonthsCreate a recurrence pattern that is measured in months.
    When you select Months, you must choose between the following options:
    • Day X of every X month
      Specifies the day on which the job should run. It also indicates the number of months between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance.
    • Every X X of every X month
      Specifies the day on which the job should run. It also indicates the number of months between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance.
    • Selected days of the month
      Specifies the weeks and days of the month on which Backup Exec runs the job. You select the days and weeks on a grid. The recurrence pattern that you select repeats itself every month.
      The default setting is for the job to run every month on the current week and day of the month. For example, if you create the job on the third Monday of the month, the default setting is for the job to run once a month on the third Monday.
      You can change the default or select additional days on which the job should run. Any additional days that you select are added to the monthly recurrence pattern.
    • Selected dates of the month
      Specifies the dates of the month on which Backup Exec runs the job. The recurrence pattern that you select repeats itself every month.
      The default setting is for the job to run every month on the current date of the month. For example, if you create the job on the 15th, the default setting is for the job to run once a month on the 15th.
      You can change the default or select additional days on which the job should run. Any additional days that you select are added to the monthly recurrence pattern.
      If you select the 31st, the job runs on the last day of the month in months that do not have 31 days. For example, if you configure the job to run on the 31st, in September the job runs on the 30th instead.
    YearsCreate a recurrence pattern that is measured in years.
    When you select Years, you can configure the following options:
    • Every X year
      Specifies the number of years between the start time of a job and the start time of the next job instance.
    • On X
      Specifies the date on which Backup Exec runs the job. The date that you select in this field corresponds to the number of years that you selected in the Every X year field. So if you selected to run the job every 2 years and you selected June 28th in this field, the job runs every 2 years on June 28th.
    • On the X of X
      Specifies the day and month on which Backup Exec runs the job. The date that you select in this field corresponds to the number of years that you selected in the Every X year field. So if you selected to run the job every 2 years and you selected the fourth Thursday of June in this field, the job runs every 2 years on the fourth Thursday of June.
    atDesignate the starting time for the first job in the recurrence pattern.
    CalendarView all scheduled jobs on a calendar to check for scheduling conflicts.
    Reschedule the job if it does not start x hours after its scheduled startSpecify the amount of time past the job's scheduled start time at which Backup Exec changes the job completion status to Missed. The job is rescheduled to run based on the time window that you configured.
    Cancel the job if it is still running x hours after it scheduled start timeSpecify the amount of time after the job's scheduled start time at which you want to cancel the job if it is still running. Backup Exec changes the job completion status to Canceled, timed out.
    Include dates with the schedule of this jobSpecify dates to include with the job schedule. The job runs on all of the dates that you select using this option, in addition to the dates that are part of its normal schedule recurrence. The job resumes its normal schedule on the next day that it is scheduled after an include date.
    Exclude dates from the schedule for this jobSpecify dates to exclude from the job schedule. The job does not run on any of the dates that you select using this option. It resumes its normal schedule on the next day that a job is scheduled after an excluded date.
    Run now with no recurring scheduleRun the job immediately without scheduling any more instances of it for the future.
    Run onRun the job at the time and date that you specify.
    Create without a scheduleCreate a job without scheduling it. When you use this option, the job does not run at the time of creation and it does not have a recurring schedule. The job remains unscheduled until you choose to run it. You can use a third-party job automation or task scheduling tool to run the job later.
    If you use this option to create a job, you cannot place the job on hold. You cannot place jobs on hold unless they are scheduled.
  6. Click OK
  7. (Optional) View the job history or click the Job Monitor tab for details about the job.

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